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[dataset] MapSPAM Harvested Area [Draft]

Measured in hectares, harvested area is at least as large as physical area but sometimes more since it also accounts for multiple harvests of a crop on the same plot. Like for physical area, the harvested area is calculated for each production system, and the sum of all harvested areas of all production systems in a pixel amounts to the total harvested area of the pixel. The sum of all the harvested areas of the crops in a pixel can be larger than the pixel size.

yellow light

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier mapspam-harvested-area
Contact Point You, Liangzhi (IFPRI) Wood-Sichra, Ulrike (IFPRI) Koo, Jawoo (IFPRI)
Contact Point - ORCID iD or e-mail adress
Dataset DOI
Information Website
Theme / Vocabulary / Ontology
Coordinate Reference System
Spatial Resolution 0.083333
Spatial Resolution Measured As angular distance
Temporal Coverage 2009-01-01 to 2011-12-31
Temporal Resolution

    Is Version of

    Is Part of

    Was derived from

Last Updated July 15, 2021, 12:42 (UTC)
Created July 15, 2021, 12:34 (UTC)

Dataset extent