This dataset contains the geodata of the following figures from Schulp et al. (2014):
- 2a_poldepperc.tif: Figure 2a - Coverage pollinator dependent crops (% * 100).
- 2b_poldephotspot: Figure 2b - Coverage pollinator dependent crops weighted by pollinator
dependency level, normalized to 0-10,000 scale.
- 3a_habperc.tif: Figure 3a – area percentage pollinator habitat per km2 grid cell (%).
- 3b_visitprob.tif: Figure 3b – probability that a location gets visited by a pollinator (%).
- 6_Match.tif: Figure 6 – match between pollination demand and supply. Coding:
- -99: No cropland
- 0: Low demand, low supply
- 1: Low demand, high supply
- 10: High demand, low supply
- 11: High demand, high supply