f | { | f | { |
| "author": null, | | "author": null, |
| "author_email": null, | | "author_email": null, |
| "conforms_to": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326", | | "conforms_to": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326", |
| "contact_name": "Statistics Division (ESS) of FAO, Piero Conforti/ | | "contact_name": "Statistics Division (ESS) of FAO, Piero Conforti/ |
| Jean Marie MUNYESHYAKA", | | Jean Marie MUNYESHYAKA", |
| "creator_user_id": "f96ad893-f291-40eb-b0f3-5bef533dcc1e", | | "creator_user_id": "f96ad893-f291-40eb-b0f3-5bef533dcc1e", |
| "groups": [], | | "groups": [], |
| "id": "300ee826-06d1-4a15-be8a-6816604c1205", | | "id": "300ee826-06d1-4a15-be8a-6816604c1205", |
| "is_part_of": "", | | "is_part_of": "", |
| "is_version_of": "", | | "is_version_of": "", |
| "isopen": false, | | "isopen": false, |
| "license_id": "", | | "license_id": "", |
| "license_title": "", | | "license_title": "", |
| "maintainer": null, | | "maintainer": null, |
| "maintainer_email": null, | | "maintainer_email": null, |
| "metadata_created": "2021-04-30T13:50:49.083066", | | "metadata_created": "2021-04-30T13:50:49.083066", |
n | "metadata_modified": "2021-09-14T12:13:41.445201", | n | "metadata_modified": "2021-09-14T12:13:58.992978", |
| "name": "price", | | "name": "price", |
| "notes": "\"FAOSTAT provides data on absolute producer prices for | | "notes": "\"FAOSTAT provides data on absolute producer prices for |
| crop and livestock products through its Price Domain on annual and | | crop and livestock products through its Price Domain on annual and |
| monthly basis, in addition to the annual producer price indices and | | monthly basis, in addition to the annual producer price indices and |
| international dollar prices. Annual producer prices are available in | | international dollar prices. Annual producer prices are available in |
t | local currency unit (LCU), standard local currency $(SLC)^2$ and US | t | local currency unit (LCU), standard local currency $n^2$ and US |
| dollars. To date, prices are available from 1991 to 2018 whilst | | dollars. To date, prices are available from 1991 to 2018 whilst |
| historical data from 1966 to 1991 are available in the Price Archive | | historical data from 1966 to 1991 are available in the Price Archive |
| section of the price domain of FAOSTAT in local currency unit only. | | section of the price domain of FAOSTAT in local currency unit only. |
| And the monthly producer prices are available only in local currency | | And the monthly producer prices are available only in local currency |
| unit from 2010 to 2018.\" <br> \r\n*Food and Agriculture Organization | | unit from 2010 to 2018.\" <br> \r\n*Food and Agriculture Organization |
| of the United Nations (FAO): | | of the United Nations (FAO): |
| http://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/documents/PP/PP_e.pdf*", | | http://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/documents/PP/PP_e.pdf*", |
| "num_resources": 0, | | "num_resources": 0, |
| "num_tags": 1, | | "num_tags": 1, |
| "organization": { | | "organization": { |
| "approval_status": "approved", | | "approval_status": "approved", |
| "created": "2021-01-08T11:55:37.205088", | | "created": "2021-01-08T11:55:37.205088", |
| "description": "", | | "description": "", |
| "id": "594a3901-9ffa-4e91-b828-84f89554ab4c", | | "id": "594a3901-9ffa-4e91-b828-84f89554ab4c", |
| "image_url": | | "image_url": |
| "https://tu-dresden.de/++theme++tud.theme.webcms2/img/tud-logo.svg", | | "https://tu-dresden.de/++theme++tud.theme.webcms2/img/tud-logo.svg", |
| "is_organization": true, | | "is_organization": true, |
| "name": "tud", | | "name": "tud", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "title": "TUD", | | "title": "TUD", |
| "type": "organization" | | "type": "organization" |
| }, | | }, |
| "owner_org": "594a3901-9ffa-4e91-b828-84f89554ab4c", | | "owner_org": "594a3901-9ffa-4e91-b828-84f89554ab4c", |
| "private": false, | | "private": false, |
| "relationships_as_object": [], | | "relationships_as_object": [], |
| "relationships_as_subject": [], | | "relationships_as_subject": [], |
| "resources": [], | | "resources": [], |
| "spatial": | | "spatial": |
| .25,-85.05112877980659],[-177.18749999999997,-85.05112877980659]]]]}", | | .25,-85.05112877980659],[-177.18749999999997,-85.05112877980659]]]]}", |
| "spatial_resolution": "", | | "spatial_resolution": "", |
| "spatial_resolution_type": "", | | "spatial_resolution_type": "", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "tags": [ | | "tags": [ |
| { | | { |
| "display_name": "Crop and livestock products", | | "display_name": "Crop and livestock products", |
| "id": "247f59e1-0967-44a1-8477-7ab1dbff32a5", | | "id": "247f59e1-0967-44a1-8477-7ab1dbff32a5", |
| "name": "Crop and livestock products", | | "name": "Crop and livestock products", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "vocabulary_id": null | | "vocabulary_id": null |
| } | | } |
| ], | | ], |
| "temporal_end": "2011-01-01", | | "temporal_end": "2011-01-01", |
| "temporal_resolution": "", | | "temporal_resolution": "", |
| "temporal_start": "2009-01-01", | | "temporal_start": "2009-01-01", |
| "theme": "https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/theme/af", | | "theme": "https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/theme/af", |
| "title": "MapSPAM Price", | | "title": "MapSPAM Price", |
| "type": "dataset", | | "type": "dataset", |
| "uri": | | "uri": |
| r-dmp.geo.tu-dresden.de/dataset/300ee826-06d1-4a15-be8a-6816604c1205", | | r-dmp.geo.tu-dresden.de/dataset/300ee826-06d1-4a15-be8a-6816604c1205", |
| "url": "http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/PP", | | "url": "http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/PP", |
| "version": null, | | "version": null, |
| "was_derived_from": "" | | "was_derived_from": "" |
| } | | } |