GPW Gridded Population of the World v4.0
The Gridded Population of the World (GPW) collection models the distribution of human population on a continuous global raster surface. The essential inputs to GPW have been... -
Harvested Area and Yield for 175 Crops
Croplands cover ~15 million km2 of the planet and provide the bulk of the food and fiber essential to human well-being. Most global land cover data sets from satellites group... -
Data quality for 175 Crops
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MOD17A3HGF v006 MODIS/Terra Net Primary Production Gap-Filled Yearly L4 Globa...
The MOD17A3HGF Version 6 product provides information about annual Net Primary Production (NPP) at 500 meter (m) pixel resolution. Annual NPP is derived from the sum of all... -
Pollination probability European Union
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GAEZ Global Agro-ecological Zones v3.0
GAEZ v 3.0 incorporates two important new global data sets on “Actual Yield and Production’ and “Yield and Production Gaps” between potentials and actual yield and production.... -
MapSPAM PotYield
This dataset is part of the MapSPAM series on spatial production. It is produced as interim result using GAEZ v3.0 data as input. PotYield is a composite measure of yield which...