Harvested Area and Yield for 175 Crops
Croplands cover ~15 million km2 of the planet and provide the bulk of the food and fiber essential to human well-being. Most global land cover data sets from satellites group... -
Global Forest Change
Results from time-series analysis of Landsat images characterizing forest extent and change. Trees are defined as vegetation taller than 5m in height and are expressed as a... -
GFCC30TCv003 Townsend Tree cover
The Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) archives and distributes Global Forest Cover Change (GFCC) data products through the NASA Making Earth System Data... -
Global data set of Monthly Irrigated and Rainfed Crop Areas around the year 2...
Maximum Monthly Growing Areas (MMGA) of 26 irrigated and rainfed crops (data unit: ha), 5arcmin (0.0833333 degree) resolution -
GMIA Global Map of Irrigation Areas v5.0
This dataset is developed in the framework of the AQUASTAT Programme of the Land and Water Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the... -
MapSPAM PotYield
This dataset is part of the MapSPAM series on spatial production. It is produced as interim result using GAEZ v3.0 data as input. PotYield is a composite measure of yield which... -
Rapeseed yield
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